Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ghostly Japan

Here is the long awaited Halloween post from David! Enjoy!

They say Japan is haunted. The entirety of it, tip to tip. Ghosts are everywhere, demons are numerous and spirits are plentiful. We`ve heard tale of random disappearances, spectral sightings and other incidents that require the attention of Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Dan Akroyd and Bill Murry (Yeah, those were the Ghostbusters). Ask anyone one on the street here and they will likely say that Japan is the most haunted series of islands on earth. They might be right but I have yet to see any proof. And I have been looking.

I`ve heard the ‘most haunted’ claim before. When I lived in Hawaii all my friends told ghost stories, many of which they said happened to them first hand. Stories about something unseen sitting of their chest while they sleep, stories about long dead Hawaiian Kings and the tribes they forced off cliffs, stories about the volcano goddess randomly appearing in cars and causing them to crash. In addition to being fun to listen to, these stories always had an air of validity about them. This is mostly because the island of Oahu actually feels haunted. Not all of it of course, the beach resorts, the giant shopping malls, the countless ABC stores don`t. But away from the tourist areas things can feel a little eerie. The old Pali highway is a prime example. It`s also called the Nuʻuanu Pali, and there are some strange stories about traversing it and some dark tales from its past.

The road is ancient and has been heavily used for it is nice and low, easy traversable pass connecting two sides of the island. It`s history is surprising sordid considering no one thinks of Hawaii as a place where horrific bloody battles took place, but the Nuʻuanu Pali was the site where King Kamehameha, the king who unified the Hawaiian islands and created the Kingdom of Hawaii, finished his conquest of Oahu. He also made 400 enemy troops walk off a cliff to their deaths. Not something one tends to think about while enjoying the view off the Pali lookout. Later, when the highway was built it said that the workers found some 800 skulls.

I lived right near where all this happened.

In addition to the history of the Old Pali, there are also the ghost stories that are told by the travelers over it. Stories about beautiful women leading men to their deaths and the Goddess Pele smiting those who dare to bring pork travelling on the road. My friend didn`t know that bring pork over the Pali offended Pele but then his car broke down and then his radio and then series of unlucky coincidental occurrences caused him, at the suggestion of our Hawaiian friend, to perform some sort of redemption ritual off the side of the Pali. Now I`m not saying I believed Pele was the cause of his unlucky streak, the kid seemed to bring misfortune on himself, but I did go along to watch. How many chances would I have to see an ancient Hawaiian ritual performed because someone was eating a pork sandwich while driving?

Again, I lived right near here; I had to take this road almost every day. Things felt slightly eerie. The ghost stories, whether I believed them or not felt appropriate, they fit the surroundings, the creeping feelings of terror one felt while waiting for the bus on a foggy dark road felt justified. There is a similar feel about Japan.

If you are familiar with Japanese history you know how bloody it is. That might be the reason why there are so many Japanese ghost stories. And these stories are common. Just look at some of the films Japan has exported over the past few years. Ringu and Ju-on may have been remade into The Ring and The Grudge and tailored for American audiences but they are inherently Japanese stories. The American versions of these are terrifying, they are the sort of movies that can keep you up for days, psychologically scare you and cause you to never watch a VHS tape or move into a new house. The original Japanese versions of these movies are even scarier. Ringu, which is based on a book by the same name which is in turn drawn from Banchō Sarayashiki and stories of the woman in the well; an old Japanese folktales from the Edo period. There are thousands of stories just like this throughout the county. On top of this Japan has embraced these ghost stories, the woman in the well has made an appearance in a number of literary works and a few plays, not only in Ringu.

Beyond the stories and culture, many places in Japan just feel haunted.

The town of Imaichi, where my apartment is, is technically a part the City of Nikko, Japan. It`s considered a great tourist town and has been for 400 or so years. There are Japanese Onsens, or hot springs baths, amazing hiking trails and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also the burial place of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was one of the unifiers of Japan. He helped end years civil war and found the Tokugawa shogunate. He`s also considered something of a murderous tyrant. He attacked the husband of his granddaughter, forced him and his mother to commit seppuku and then burned his castle down. Ieyasu died a year later. This was one of his last acts on his long and bloody road to power. He`s just up the road from me. A long old road lined with ancient cedars. I often walk along this road on my way to and from work.

It`s very easy to imagine ghost walking along this road at night. The trees tower above you, block out any light from stars or the moon. An ancient rock wall lines it on both sides. And when it`s past a certain hour, there next no cars or people using but me. Beyond that there is a long partially lit pathway. The train tracks run alongside it. There are three light poles bunched all together. Their light only goes so far and once one walks past it they make long shadows out of everything. The next set of lights is at the railway crossing, which is at the end of the path. Those lights are red and only on when a train is coming and that’s rare. Once or twice an hour. Fields of rice mirror the tracks on the other side of the path. The rice fields are deep; the earth seems to sink down a foot or so. Where the rice meets the soil is lower than where my feet meet pavement. Frankly, it looks like a perfect place to hide. During the day this is perfectly peaceful walk, at night it can be a bit unsettling.

As a tourist town, Nikko has its fair share of hotels. The first one I see when getting off the train is four stories tall, boasts the Sakura Café, has a rooftop garden and a large parking lot. It is also completely empty. The first time I passed it I felt uneasy but I didn’t realize that there was no one inside it until after a month or so of living here. It took me a while to put all the signs together and realize it`s closed. All the curtains and blinds are drawn and have been for long time and there has never been a car in the parking lot, which has a long chain running across its entrance. The rooftop garden has grown wild.

Oh, and the front doors are locked.

They are the large glass automatic type. When I went to check them I could see into the hotel lobby. It was dark and devoid of life but it was hardly empty. It has all the things a hotel lobby needs, front desk, chairs, a coffee table. They were all just a little out of date, a little out of fashion. When peering through the blinds of the café I found a similar sight. It looks like it was closed in a hurry. And there is only one explanation for it; it`s believed to be haunted.
Now, I know there are other possible reasons the hotel is the way it is. It could have closed because there weren`t enough guests, the hotel went bankrupt and many other logical excuses. But anyone who rides on the weekend train can see there are more than enough tourists to fill it. Beyond that, the hotel a block or so down always has a full parking lot. And why hasn`t it been sold? Why is there no sign trying to sell it? There`s not even a sign indicating that it`s closed.

While the hotel is a bit eerie, there is an old house in the city that is simply frightening. Sarah`s apartment is a few blocks from Utsunomiya station, a major train hub for the region. There are a large number of bars, restaurants and clubs within a five minute walk from her front door, not to mention the countless office and apartment buildings. This house does not belong in this sort of neighborhood.

It`s on the same block as Sarah`s building. It would be a great place if it wasn`t falling apart, and possible filled with vengeful spirits. The first thing I noticed about it was the vending machine out front. It`s an old Pepsi machine. But it`s unlike the countless other machines I`ve seen throughout the country. First off, it only has four selections; most have at least 8 if not more. Secondly, the prices are the lowest I`ve seen. The largest differences are that it`s empty, unplugged and encased in ivy. It`s actually easy to miss when strolling by, leaves cover at least three quarters of it.

The house it sits in front of, from all appearances, is abandoned. It has two floors, three large garage doors that when opened would expose what used to be a shop of some sort. One of which has a large dent in it making it impossible to open. The peach color of the house seems to have been rubbed away in places and has been replaced with a dark grey color. Perched atop the house is an ancient TV antenna, slowly rusting and aging with the house. Plants grow around it, weeds gone unchecked surround the only visible door, which has no knob. As far as I can tell there is no actual way into the house. On top of it all, as Sarah pointed out to me, there is a strange smell that hangs about the place.

The scariest bit about the house, worse than the fact that it has no entrance, is that there are still curtains hanging in the windows on the second floor. They are not drawn or fully open but somewhere in between. They are placed just so, when passing, you can see just enough of the inside, which is just as decrepit as the outside. I`m reluctant to use the phrase ‘sinister aura’ here, but at risk of sounding like a one of those awful medium shows, there is a strong sinister aura about the place. I always look up through the second floor windows expecting some sort of spectral vision to peer back at me through the curtains.

Of course similar arguments that applied to the hotel apply here as well. The owner went bankrupt, lost the house or there was a fire or something along those lines. However, this is Japan, the country where they are tearing down an old beloved Kabuki theater to make way for a new Kabuki theater/office tower. Someone would have bought it, leveled it and turned it into something else except for the fact that it`s haunted and everyone knows that if you tear down a haunted building and replace it with something new, the new structure is just as haunted or more so than the first one.

Now, I know I just spent a great deal of time insinuating that these places I described are haunted, if not outright claiming so but I don`t think it`s really all that important if they are or not. What is important is that they feel haunted. They are creepy, they make the hair on the back of your neck stand up and they you fill you with a sense of unease. It doesn`t matter if ghosts or spirits or whatever lurk unseen in these places, beyond that, it doesn`t even matter whether or not these things are in fact real. Haunted buildings and ghost stories have very little to do with reality. It`s about the feeling they give you, they way they can take hold of your imagination.

So, is Japan the most haunted country on earth? Well, maybe. I haven`t seen any ghosts or anything but it certainly feels like it should be haunted. The ghost stories feel appropriate and there is an abundance of places that fill a person with ‘the creeps,’ and that certainly helps Japan`s reputation as the most haunted series of islands in the world.

David A. Graham

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lost in Translation

One of my favorite movies of all time is Lost in Translation.  For those of you who have never seen it, please watch it as soon as possible.  It's a beautiful film by Sofia Coppola starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.  David and I share a love of this movie for many reasons.  It's about finding yourself in Japan and getting lost along the way.  It's about cultural and generational differences and similarities.  It's also a beautiful portrait of an amazing city.  David and I spent last weekend in Tokyo and it was everything Lost in Translation led me to believe it would be.  Fast paced and energetic, slow and meditative, enormous and exciting.  Tokyo was everything a city can be.  Suffice to say, David and I had a wonderful time.  Unfortunately, I forgot my SD card for my camera, so I was only able to take pictures after a stop to Akihabara to get a new one.  However, the pictures I did get turned out pretty well.  Click here for all the photos from the trip.  Of all the wonderful things we did on the trip, the best was discovering how close we are to Tokyo, how cheap it is to get there and realizing we would be back soon and often. A 90 minute train ride from Utsunomiya found us in Ueno Terminal in the north of Tokyo.  A short subway ride later we were at our hotel in Akasaka, a trendy upscale neighborhood.  We spent most of our first day lamenting the missing SD card and looking for a camera shop. We were mostly unsuccessful in finding a camera shop, but wandered around the side streets of various neighborhoods and ended up stumbling on what looked like the entrance to a magical forest in the middle of the largest city in the world.  It ended up being just that.  Meiji Shrine is one of the largest shrines in Tokyo and is located at the heart of a densely wooded are of Yoyogi Park.  The Canopy of the trees blocked out the sun and gave a chill to the air.  The path was wide enough for a crowds of thousands to make their way to the shrine, which the occasionally do.  However, there were very few people in the shrine grounds on the day we were there.  Yet, as open as the path before us was, the enormity of the trees around us gave the forest an intimate feeling.  Rays of sun would occasionally peek through the branches and leaves, making me swear I had seen something out of the corner of my eye. In the very center of the park, two paths cross and there are no trees for a hundred feet, letting you see the sky for a moment before walking back into the cool darkness of the forest on the other side.  The entrances and exits of the shrine grounds are marked by torii gates, traditional Japanese Shinto gates like this one.

This is a torii in Utsunomiya.  The torii at the Meiji Shrine, however, were hundreds of feet tall.  Passing through these massive gateways truly made it feel as though were entering another world. At the other end of the park, we left the forest to find ourselves in the middle of Harajuku, the fashion capital of Japan.  Going from this natural sanctuary to the hustle and bustle of a busy urban street was jarring, but is the essence of Tokyo.  High rises and shrines nestled side by side.  Women in suits ride the subway sitting next to women in kimonos.  

After our adventures wandering through Yoyogi and Harajuku, we decided to head to Akihabara where we would be sure to find an SD card.  Akihabara, also known as Electric Town, was once the post-WWII black market for radio parts.  It has now become THE place to buy any kind of electronics.  From huge department stores to tiny shops down side alleys, you can buy anything you need to build your own computer, robot or anything electronic you can think of. Akihabara is also the otaku district.  Otaku is the Japanese word for nerd or shut-in.  Here in Japan, just as in America, the word nerd has been reclaimed - people are proud to be geeky.  So, you can also find any anime or video game related item you can think of.  There are even themed cafes centered around various shows and games.

The next day in Tokyo saw my dreams of seeing traditional Japanese theatre come true.  David and I saw two Kabuki plays at the National Theatre of Japan.  It was fascinating and beautiful.  We were greatly helped by our earphone translator which let us know what exactly was happening. We were not the only ones wearing them, though.  As well as the handful of other tourists in audience, many Japanese audience members were wearing translators as well.  The language in kabuki is often archaic, similar to Shakespeare in English.  The acting style also involves intense intonation and rhythmic stylization, rendering much of the Japanese difficult for even native Japanese speakers to understand. Kabuki is a style of theatre focusing on the visual poetry of performance.  It is a presentational form of theatre rather than a representational one.  In Western theatre, we strive to represent reality or tell a particular story.  Kabuki mostly uses stories incredibly well-known to their Japanese audiences. People don't come to have a story told to them, they already know the ending.  They come to see the representation of the story.  The beautiful costumes, the skill of the actors voicing melodramatic moments in time and the magic of theatre special effects.  Thus, it is very difficult for Western audiences to understand and appreciate Kabuki. However, as a theatre history geek and perpetual academic, I was in heaven!

After four hours of theatre, which is exhausting for even the seasoned theatre veteran, we were ready for some sightseeing before we had dinner and headed home.  We made a quick stop at Tokyo Tower.  Once the tallest structure in the city, Tokyo Tower is now being replaced by the Tokyo Sky Tree (not yet completed). It is no longer tall enough to get a TV signal over the high rises of Tokyo.   However, it is still really tall and pretty spectacular to see.  Exactly 13 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower, it seems to exist only to out do other attractions.  And to broadcast TV and Radio signals.   A friend told us make sure we saw it at night, and I'm glad we stayed until it got dark.

I'm pretty proud of the night photo - David called it "postcard-worthy."

We finished our weekend at a kaiten sushi restaurant that had been recommended on the internet. Kaiten sushi is conveyor belt sushi, where sushi chefs stand around making sushi and placing it on a conveyor belt that circles the restaurant.  You just grab what looks good and at the end of the meal they count the number of plates you have.  Different colored plates cost different amounts, which are posted on a wall somewhere.  If you don't see the exact kind of sushi you want you can also yell out the kind of sushi you would like and the sushi chef will make it right away and hand it to you over the counter.  The sushi was delicious, and with our bellies full we paid the bill - less than 20 dollars each.  The joys of living in Japan!

We caught a a train home and were back in friendly Utsunomiya in 104 minutes (we got the slow train). The trip was great, but coming home was also pretty wonderful.  Arriving at the apartment and taking off our shoes, we felt like we were back home - which I suppose means we are finally settled in.  I hope everyone is well wherever you happen to be in the world!


Monday, October 11, 2010

A Good Day in Utsunomiya...

So, I thought I should post something since I haven't had any updates for a while.  Nothing terribly exciting or out of the blue has happened since my first earthquake, but David and I did have a pretty good day out in Utsunomiya.  We both had the day off and thought we would use our time shopping for new pants! I really need a new pair of jeans and this provided a good excuse to go downtown.  Well - I didn't find any pants.  I did, however, visit a Shinto shrine, see three open air concerts, eat cheap, delicious sushi and have two separate successful conversations in Japanese! Here are some pictures from today. Click on the link for photos and some videos! I will caption them soon - I promise! The video of the a capella group has one of our Japanese conversations in the background if you listen closely...

David has promised a ghost-themed blog post for Halloween, so keep your eyes peeled! We are going to Tokyo next weekend (my first time!).  There will be lots of pictures and another lengthy blog post after that!

Hope you are well wherever you are!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My First Earthquake!

So.  It has finally happened.  My first earthquake.  There I was sitting in my classroom a few minutes before class started  with a couple of students.  Then the building creaked and I felt something.  It wasn't really a shake so much as a small hiccup.  I wouldn't have thought twice about it , but my students looked up at each other and one said "Jishin?"  The other student nodded in agreement and they went back to their writing undisturbed.  I recognized the Japanese word for earthquake and began as my students, half in English and half in Japanese, "Was that an earthquake? Jishin?" They said yes and looked at me as a crazy person as I giggled and started looking out the windows.  The earthquake (click here for the USGS data on it) as a whopping 5.6 on the Richter scale, which is actually fairly large and can damage poorly constructed buildings.  It was, however, 75 kilometers (45 miles) away, so we were barely affected.  Apparently people felt it as far away as Tokyo.  A 5.6 earthquake might be big news to me, but it didn't even make local news here.  I could only find evidence that I didn't imagine it on the USGS earthquake site.  Well, that chapter of "Firsts in Japan" complete, I must wrap up and go to bed.  However, this was exciting enough to warrant a blog post immediately.  For those who are interested, David didn't feel it, he was at a school a bit farther away today.  I will write a longer, more interesting post later, but for now, sayonara!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cheese Tara and Other Joys

This is cheese tara.  I bought this particular pack from the 7-11 down the street.  I'm sure there will be an entire blog post dedicated to the wonders of a Japanese convenience store, but this is not that particular post. So, I will leave my description of convenience stores to this, for now: they are everywhere and you can buy anything at them.  Today, however, I was in the mood for some Mitsuya Cider (soda that tastes vaguely of pears and vanilla) and some delicious cheese tara.  What is cheese tara, one might ask.  Until 10 minutes ago, I would not have answered your question correctly.  The Japanese have developed a recent culinary obsession with cheese.  Not real cheese, mind you, but the fake kind, in the vein of kraft singles and string cheese.  Often cheese snacks are eaten with beer or sake, similar to pub mix or cocktail peanuts in the States.  I have been eating these snacks since I arrived, but particularly enjoyed the variety I now know to be cheese tara.  To me, they looked like camembert or brie sliced very thin, with the papery rind on the top and bottom.  I love cheese, probably a little too much for waistline's sake, but we all have our guilty pleasures.  Combined with the fact that my significant other hates cheese in almost all its forms (gasps in disgust are welcome here), eating cheese is a wonderful event that I can selfishly enjoy without the need to share it with anyone.  So, when "Japanese cheese" was brought to my attention, I simply had to try it.
 My love affair with cheese tara began. However, I couldn't help but wonder why the cheese tasted so different from any cheese I had before.  There was certainly a processed quality about it, but that I knew as familiar.  No, there was something strange in this taste.  Something I had tasted before, but never in cheese... was it nutty... no... was it possibly the richness of truffles I was tasting... no, and if it was I was getting a bargain, these packs only cost 180 yen... I let the unknown taste pass from my thoughts and contently enjoyed eating my cheese.  Today, I bought my pack of cheese tara and a soda, and began to inspect the label.  I was so happy that I had progressed in Japanese enough to be able to read the Japanese "cheezu" in katakana script.  The next symbol (tara) was in kanji, which I probably will never be able to read. But it had the hirigana of "tara" above it to help out those of us who don't read kanji (Thank you 7-11!).  I wondered what tara meant.  It was a Japanese words, as it was in hirigana and it was an old enough word to have a kanji of its own.  I thought, maybe it means snack or lite treat.  No.  My curiosity led me to the internet.  Tara translates to codfish. Cod.  A fish I had eaten many times.  All of the sudden the unidentifiable taste in my cheese tara was very clear to me.  As it turns out, cheese tara, or fish cheese as I will begin to call it, is actually processed cheese mixed with ground up dried cod and rolled into flat sheets and sliced up to be eaten as a snack with your beer or sake.  Hmmm. At first, I was hesitant to eat the cheese tara anymore, as I was now aware that it wasn't really cheese.  But, I do really like it and there are certainly stranger things you can eat this world, and I've eaten a few myself.  Is fish cheese really any stranger than horse meat or sheep intestines?  No.  I have decided that it definitively is not.  So I will carry on eating my newfound snack and will probably miss it when I am back in the States. If you are ever in Japan, please try the fish cheese.  It's delicious.

That epic tale being told, I've decided to post a list of my goals and hopes for my time in Japan.  This is far less about being cheesy (oh do I love bad and poorly executed puns) or gushy.  This is a completely selfish desire to let into the world my list of goals while in Japan so that I will feel guilty if I do not complete them.  You are now a witness to my list of things to be accomplished while in Japan.  Please nag me.  I really want all of these to happen.  Also, any hints or advice on completing them will be warmly received.

My Japanese To Do List

1. Climb Mt. Fuji.  While number one on my list, this probably one of the last things I will do in Japan.  Not only would it be a nice cap to a year living here, but the climbing season is only six weeks in late summer.  So, in August of next year, I will see the sunrise from atop Mt. Fuji, most sacred mountain in Japan.

2. Learn Japanese.  I will break this down into my two goals for learning Japanese language.
        2a. Be able to go to a restaurant, be seated, order my food and pay my bill entirely in Japanese, in full sentences while understanding what is being said to me.  Now this is the first of my goals, and may sound simple, but Japanese is a difficult language, and I have not, as of yet, found the time and energy to really commit to studying it properly. I am, however, determined to complete this goal in the next 3 months or so.
        2b. Be able to read a full length Japanese play (probably not in Kanji, though) and understand it.  This will be much more difficult, and might be near impossible, but I really want to be proficient in Japanese, and possibly study the language enough to be able to translate, one of my personal academic interests.

3. Go to a Karaoke bar in Tokyo and rock it out Frank Sinatra style.  Anyone who has been to karaoke with me in the states knows that I favor singing "Mac the Knife."  I want to do this Tokyo.  This won't be hard as I live a little over an hour from the largest city in the world.  This is most certainly not the only thing I want to do in Tokyo, but it will get me there and singing karaoke in the land of its invention.

4. Be a tourist.  With the map, the camera and possibly the Hawaiian shirt.  This can happen anywhere, but I think it should.  Not entirely sure why.

5.  Go to Okinawa and see the place my grandfather came during World War II.

6.  See 100 shrines and temples.  The history of Buddhism and Shinto and particularly where they overlap is very interesting to me.  Also, there is truly something sacred and divine about these places and like thousands of generations before me, I feel it is worthy to seek them out.

7. Go skiing in the Japanese Alps.  The skiing is supposedly pretty good here.  I would love to go up to Hokkaido, where they have best snow in the world, but anywhere will do.

8. See at least one event of every traditional Japanese performance style.  Many of you know I was largely drawn to Japan by its traditional theatre.  So, I will see at least one performance each of noh, kyogen, kabuki, bunraku, shinto dance, and manzai while I am here.

9.  Study Noh theatre with a professional.

10. Go to Hiroshima and see the Peace Memorial Museum that remembers and commemorates the victims and survivors of the atomic bomb.

11. Relax in an onsen, preferably the ones the wild monkeys use to keep warm.  This would accomplish two of my goals at once: going to an onsen and seeing wild monkeys.  Onsens are natural hot springs that have been turned into public bath houses.  Very traditional and apparently very good for you.

12. Attend a Cherry Blossom Festival and take part in a hanami (cherry blossom viewing) in Shinjuku Gyoen.  This garden in Tokyo is famous for its sakura (cherry blossoms).

13. Go hiking in Nikko National Park.  I do live right next to it and I miss hiking. I suppose part of me will always be in Colorado.

14.  Eat as much delicious Japanese food as I can! This one needs no explanation.

I think I will leave it at 14 for now, but I will probably update the list every now and then. I hope everyone is well wherever you are.  Sayonara!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Peppy Teacher!

Hello from the land of Tropical Storm Henry!  The storm dissipated a few days ago, and never made it to typhoon status, but I was really hoping to experience my first typhoon.  Unfortunately (for me, fortunately for the rest of the people living here) Henry slightly missed Tochigi and was nearly done by the time it got near us.  We just got a couple hours of steady rain.  Oh well. My colleagues have promised me that typhoon season is not over, so I still have a chance! Peppy Kids Club did consider canceling Tochigi Prefecture lessons, but then decided against it, so my day continued on as normal.  Well, as normal as any Peppy teacher’s day can really be.  I sang some funny songs (including the longest version of Old MacDonald Had A Farm ever recorded), danced some silly dances (including pretending to be a number of barn animals for the previously mentioned song) and helped children wrestle with the language I am rapidly determining is the most difficult you can try to learn. 

Now, I most certainly have my fair share of difficulties learning Japanese, but at least Japanese makes a little bit of sense.  There are many rules and you follow all of them, all the time.  Yet, as we all have been taught since elementary school, English is a language made of exceptions. Imagine trying to explain to 8 year olds why JapanESE are people from Japan , but people from the United States of America  are called AmeriCANS, or why English only uses counters for a select few occasions.  One of my favorite, and most infuriating, parts of the Japanese language, is that every kind of object has a different counter.  Round objects are counted one way, money another, and cylindrical objects in yet another.  Chopsticks (ohashi) have their own unique counter, not used by any other word in the language.  Now, the counters we have in English are few and far between. A slice is one.  You don’t ask for 2 bread, you ask for 2 slices of bread.  So, although I can count, I still sound like a 3 year old when referring to any number of objects.  However maddening this might be, I do have a healthy respect for the amount of deliberation and precision that goes into speaking Japanese.  You must think about how you are going to say something, not just about subject at hand.  This also provides for Japanese to be the language of subtlety.  Carefully chosen degrees of politeness and specific descriptive words are used to give context and meaning.  One can speak volumes in a simple sentence.  If only I could decipher the intent.  That, however, seems to be something that even the most experienced listener and speaker of Japanese is still grappling with.  I sometimes wonder if the speaker is always aware of all the repercussions of their chosen words.

With regards to teaching English, especially with the younger students, I find it is better, and most certainly easier, to not emphasize the exceptions, or even the rules, but instead focus on the parts of English that I have the unique position in their lives to really improve.  As a native English speaker, often the only one these children have access to, I can help students with pronunciation, listening, comprehension and speaking more than almost all of my Japanese counterparts.  As I speak little to no Japanese, I can’t actually explain grammar to these students.  I can, however, demonstrate it in real use.  Sometimes this is effective, sometimes the student leaves more confused than they arrive.  That is the dilemma all teachers of a foreign language face. While Peppy Kids Club certainly has its faults, I think the model of Peppy education is a really valuable one.  They introduce children to English at a young age, focusing on comprehension and speaking over grammar and have 3 lessons a month taught by Japanese teachers, who can answer questions and communicate with the students in their own language, and 1 lesson a month taught by a Native speaker, who can improve the students understanding of the language as well as their global awareness.  So how do I actually do these things?  By being a NT or Native Teacher with Peppy Kids Club!

So what exactly do I do? Welcome to a day in the life of Peppy Teacher!

I wake up in the morning, often near the crack of noon, to prepare for my day.  This might include a trip to my new bank, the Japan Post  Office, to withdraw some money, or perhaps running errands such as buying a rice cooker (my plan for tomorrow).  Now, classes start at a different time each day.  I am given a schedule for each month detailing what lessons I am teaching at which schools.  Typically, I have 1 week at Utsunomiya Minami School followed by a week of office days, followed by a week at Utsunomiya Yotou School , followed by a week at Ujiie School.  Let’s say this is my week at Utsunomiya Minami School.  A week of lessons typically starts on Tuesday, as my normal weekend is Sundays and Mondays, and lessons normally start somewhere between 4 and 5pm.  On Tuesday I will have my first lesson starting at 5 pm.  Minami is about 25 min away from my apartment, so I will head to the train station around 2:00 pm.  I walk to the train station, 5 minutes away from my apartment, and then catch a train, typically within the first 10 min of arriving.  I take the train for a brief 5 min and get off at the first stop and begin my 15 min walk to the school.  The Suzumenomiya neighborhood, where this school is located, is a nice, quiet residential neighborhood.  I walk past the local elementary school, sometimes catching a bit of sports practice in the playground.  Next to a fruit store and laundromat is the Peppy Kids Club Classroom.  We call them classrooms and not schools because there is only ever one lesson going on at a time, as well as only one teacher in the school at a time.  This particular school looks like a storefront, though some seem to be designed to originally be restaurants or apartments.  Walking into the school is much like walking into an elementary or preschool in the US.  There are bright ABC’s on the wall and posters showing happy children doing a verb, with the word written out next to them.  Some Japanese teacher’s decorate their room with crafts the children have made or store bought posters.  I swear one of the posters saying “Welcome to School” is one that was in my kindergarten classroom.  I have arrived at the school by 2:30 pm (at least) and can start to prepare.  Now, we are only required to be at the school one hour before the start of lessons.  This is called “number one status” (why, I do not know).  We are on number one status until we have worked here for three months.  After that we are only required to be there 30 minutes prior to lessons and we don’t have to call to check in to confirm we are there.  I call Head Office in Nagoya as soon as I arrive to let them know I am there.  They normally thank me for being early and wish me good luck on my lessons.  Now I have 2.5 hours to prep for classes.  Most teachers learn how to prep lessons quicker the longer they work here and only show up one hour before.  I am still new to this, so I like to give myself ample time.  I get the materials I might need and put everything in order for the lessons. On Tuesdays at Minami I teach 2 Aqua Lessons and a PEP Talk lesson. All lessons at Peppy are an hour long with at least 15 minutes in between lessons.  I have anywhere from 1-5 lessons a day, but normally 2 or 3. At around 5 minutes to 5:00 pm my Aqua students arrive.  Peppy lessons are divided into 3 categories: Packet, Headway and Junior.  Packet Classes are the youngest and the levels are labeled by color.  Headway is the majority of the lessons I teach and are the Elementary to Middle School students. They are also divided into levels labeled by color.  Junior classes are middle school and a few young high school students and are given names to separate the level (PEP Talk, Pre-Step Up, Step Up, Junior English Pathways and Interchange).  So, my Aqua class is a Headway category class which is right in the middle of age groups and difficulty level.  The students are 10-11 years old.  There is a limit to 12 students per class, though I normally teach groups of 5-8.  As they come in I greet their parents and welcome the students into the classroom.  As students filter in, I am individually checking each student’s “Picture Cards” they have prepared.  They learn 2-10 flash cards each week and I stamp their book after they show me they know the cards.  I also check their homework from their Japanese teacher and give them their name tag.  Then I usually give them a worksheet or some other assignment (practice writing the ABC’s) for their “Welcome Activity.”  After everybody has done a picture card/homework check, it is normally 10 minutes into the lesson, so I lock the door.  I then help the students finish up the Welcome Activity and move onto attendance.  I normally try to get the students to do silly voices or action for attendance (this month I made them all say “I’m here!” like a gorilla. Hilarious!).  I then move into the Greeting Questions, when I play a game  and ask some questions I know the students already know.  For an Aqua class, I would probably do a Ball Toss game, and if you drop the ball, I ask you question such as “How’s the weather?” or “How old are you?”  Then we would move into the main part of the lesson.  I have the students do the chant or song and dance for the term we are in and sometimes play a game. I review the previous lesson’s material and then teach a new expression.  The new expression for the Aqua class last month was “How tall are you?” “I’m BLANK centimeters tall.”  I then play a game with the expression and try to have the students say it A LOT.  I then review an expression from quite a few lessons ago.  Sometimes this means re-teaching it, but if we have time, I will do another game.  I then do a section called Global Studies, where we learn about differences and similarities between cultures.  Last month Aqua learned about inches, which are only used in the US, Myanmar and Liberia. That was a really difficult one to explain without speaking Japanese.  Then I do a game with the phonics for that term.  Last month was silent e, and we did a race to group them into o-e, i-e, etc.  With five minutes to go, we quickly review the entire lesson and I assign homework (normally listening to a particular track on their CD at home).  They return their name tags, grab their bags, line up at the door and ask me if they may go home.  I normally have them answer one question in English before letting them leave, so their parents can see what we worked on that day.  I thank their parents in Japanese and wave goodbye until I can no longer see their cars.  Then it all starts over with the next lesson in about 10 min.  Repeat three times and my day is nearly complete.  I write a few lesson reports to let the JT (Japanese Teacher) know what happened during the lessons and write about any problems in the Communication Notebook, a written dialogue between JTs and NTs.  I clean up the classroom and catch my train home by 9:00 pm and am back in my apartment by 9:30pm.  David and I normally make dinner then, or on a particularly long or hard day go out to grab a bite to eat.  This happens five days of the week, 3 weeks of the month.  On my office days, I either cover for another teacher or prepare game materials in a nearby classroom.  However, mostly I am left to my own devices which suites me just fine. 

Now that was a fairly exhaustive account of David’s and my daily life, but I would be happy to answer any questions anybody has, as I have had quite a few people requesting this particular blog post.  David and I have LOVED our jobs so far.  The kids are great and teaching is really fun.  We really get paid to play with kids in English for an hour at time, which in my book, is pretty darn cool.  Till next time, sayonara!

Monday, August 30, 2010


A rice paddie near David's apartment.
Minoru hodo
atama no sagaru
inaho kana

I recently read a description of the Japanese custom of bowing which referenced this haiku (the title of this post is the haiku in Japanese).  It translates, roughly to "Mature rice stalks bow" It essentially means that maturity brings humility and respect for others, as seen by the grace and elegance of their bow. As we walk past multiple rice paddies on the way to David's apartment, it's easy to see the connection between rice and bowing. As the rice nears harvest, which is actually quite soon, the stalks bend in the breeze with their heavy burden of grain.  It does look as though a mature stalk of rice is bowing at you.  As David and I adjust to life in Japan, one of the first things we have learned, or should I say have begun to learn, is the art of bowing.  Instead of raising your hand in thanks as you cross the street in front of a car, a nod of the head is the correct gesture.  When you greet, thank, meet or say farewell to someone, you bow.  In fact, I find myself bowing, or at least nodding my head in partial bow every few hours here in Japan.  And I am gradually falling in love with it. You can communicate so much with a bow, as every detail of the movement speaks volumes to your intent. The degree of bend at the waist, the tilt of your head, the placement of your hands, all of these things matter. During our training for Peppy Kids Club, we actually learned the style of bow appropriate for customer service; a 45 degree bow, hands at the side for men and left over right for women, with your gaze directed at the floor.  This is a fairly polite bow, though an apology bow goes to the incredible 90 degree bend at the waist. We bow to the parents as they drop off their children while exclaiming "oazukarishmasu!" which essentially means "I receive and will care for your children."  They reply with a cheery "oneigaishimas" which is a really polite way of saying "please."  With this act, we are not only greeting the parents of our students, we are also entering into a social contract that obligates us to care for the wellbeing of the children to the best of our ability.  In fact, we have a legal responsibility within Japanese law called the "Duty of Care" which essentially makes us legally responsible for the wellbeing of the students.  While this is quite a hefty responsibility, it is also an essential part of being a teacher, especially of young children, which is quickly proving to be one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable.  

I suppose I should tell you a bit about what we are up to right now.  David and I arrived in Tochigi Prefecture, our new home, on the 16th of August, 2 weeks ago.  As I am sure to be doing often, I apologize for not posting sooner, but we have been rather busy.  Teaching at our new schools, various meetings with our new boss, applying for an Alien Registration Card and settling into our new apartments has taken a lot of my free time recently. Even with all the moving-in excitement and stress, Tochigi has been wonderful so far. I have an apartment in Utsunomiya, the capital of Tochigi.  The city is bright and lively, and oddly reminds me of Denver in both size and feeling. Utsunomiya’s regional specialty is the gyoza, my favorite of all Japanese food! Gyoza are Chinese style dumplings filled with pork, water chestnuts and lots of GARLIC! They are then fried or steamed, or my favorite, fried on the bottom and left to steam the top.  Utsunomiya has gained its reputation of having the best gyoza in Japan rightfully.  There are literally hundreds of gyoza restaurants in the city and they all have AMAZING gyoza.  Last week David and I discovered the perfect late night treat –gyoza, edamame and beer at Gyoza-kan, the best gyoza place next to the train station.  Beyond the delicious dumplings, Utsunomiya has a lot to offer as a city.  1 hr and 40 from Tokyo by the local (cheaper) train, it is close the largest city in the world, yet it is nestled up against the mountains, close to great hiking, skiing , fishing and home hundreds of beautiful temples.  My apartment is 5-7min walk to the main train station (depending on wait time at cross walks) which makes getting to work easy.  Most of my schools are one train stop away from Utsunomiya Station, and once I get a bike they are all a reasonable ride away.  I am waiting on my first paycheck to get my bike, but my real reasoning for waiting to purchase a bike is that it is currently far too hot to actually ride one.  Though the temperature is gradually decreasing, Japan is still far too hot humid to be considered habitable.  In order to escape the heat, David and I have been spending most of our time in the beautiful mountain town of Imaichi at David’s apartment.  Imaichi is technically part of Nikko, a very popular tourist destination one stop past Imaichi.  It takes us 36 min to get from Utsunomiya Station to Imaichi Station and then a short 8 min walk to David’s apartment.  David lives in a Leopalace which is an apartment complex that caters to foreigners.  This means that David’s apartment has internet included in the rent, which is part of the reason we have spent more time here.  I will get internet in the next two weeks, but until then, a trip to Imaichi is necessary to be connected to the online world.  Imaichi also has more to offer than internet access.  Being further from the city, Imaichi feels more like the exotic Japan I imagined before coming here.  We walk past rice paddies and 100 meter tall cedar trees as we walk along the train tracks toward David’s apartment.  The scenery is beautiful and life moves at a slower and quieter pace. Nearby Nikko is home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, three ornate temples from the Edo Period.  Nikko is also home to the famous hot spring monkeys, a group of monkeys that live in the forest high in the mountain, and then spend the winter relaxing in the natural hot springs.  Imaichi and Nikko seem to recall a Japan further away from the Western world.  While I feel like I am in Denver in Utsunomiya, there is truly no comparable place to Imaichi in the United States, because Imaichi is inherently Japanese, from its roots to it towing cedar branches.

Here are all the photos I have taken since arriving in Japan.  I have just figured out posting slide shows, so I will be including these slideshows every once and a while to make sure everybody can see all of my photos.

Pre-Training Photos

Training Photos

Utsunomiya Photos

Imaichi Photos

I’ll be on again soon to talk about our adventures learning Japanese and all the fun that is teaching at Peppy Kids Club, but until then, I hope you are all happy and healthy! Sayonara!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Japan at Last!

Konichiwa from Japan! David and I safely arrived in Japan about 2 weeks ago.  We have been very busy, but we are really enjoying this beautiful country.  Sorry it took so long to post, we only found free public wifi a few days ago, and it is a 20 minute subway ride to get there.  Once we move to our permanent apartments on Monday the 16th, we should be able to get the ball rolling on our own internet.  To make up for it in the meantime, I have written a fairly long blog post. Read on if you dare…
So, Japan has been a complete rush so far.  The scenery is beautiful, the culture is interesting and the people are so kind! A wonderful example of my life in Japan so far: I got lost on my way to a school for training, because the train line I was on had no English signs.  They also had no hiragana (the Japanese alphabet) signs, they only had Kanji signs (the Chinese characters).  I was pretty sure I was on the right train, but to be sure, I asked the lady sitting next to me if the train was stopping at Nagoya station (by ask I mean I said excuse me and “Nagoya?” with a questioning and frightened look on my face).  She said yes several times in Japanese and I bowed a quick thank you.  She then proceeded to tell me the name of every stop as we stopped, translating the Kanji and then walked me off the train at Nagoya station and pointed me towards the exit.  All this from a complete stranger who didn’t speak my language.  Japan is also incredibly safe.  Muggings, thievery and assault are unheard of and you can tell by walking the streets.  There is no concern about walking around at night, and you can approach anyone on the street for help.  Within our first two weeks, Japan is already starting feel like a second home! So, now for a catalog of the events of our trip over here and our experiences so far!
Our trip over got off to a rocky start, as my ticket was booked as Sarah Graham (oops!).  This was fairly quickly resolved, but we still missed our first flight to San Fransisco.  This unfortunately meant cancelling our breakfast date with David’s older brother, but we did arrive in plenty of time for our flight to Japan.  The flight over was fairly uneventful, but very long, 11 hours in the air! After being a nervous wreck about going through customs the whole flight over, it ended up being a breeze and we left the airport a mere 30 min after landing.  Now, the coolest thing about the flying to and in Japan, is that shipping luggage is the norm.  We had our luggage delivered from the airport to Peppy Kids head office in Nagoya for roughly 16 dollars a bag! Convenience is the name of the game for pretty much every service in Japan.  We then hopped on a 15 min train to Narita, the town where the Tokyo Airport is located.  Narita was a surprisingly quaint little town, but we sadly didn’t get to see very much of it.  This was because we got caught in a rainstorm and became lost on the winding streets.  We ended up walking the same route a few times until a kind lady took pity on us and using our map, gave us sign language directions to our hotel.  This all with two broken pieced of carry-on luggage (my wheel broke and David’s handle broke).  Needless to say, by the time we showed up to our hotel we looked two tired, hungry and partially drowned rats.  To make matters more uncomfortable, the lobby/dining room was full of a travelling baseball team.  25 Japanese teenagers watched two wet and dirty looking foreigners carrying broken luggage check in.  Trust me, it was quite a sight to see.  After we changed shoes and slippers the requisite million times as you transfer from room to room, we arrived at our room.  It was perfect.  We stayed at a ryokan, a traditional Japanese hotel equivalent to a Bed and Breakfast in the States.  Our yukata, light cotton kimono-eque robes, were waiting for us, as was hot green tea and crackers.  We settled down on our futons and relaxed in a perfectly Japanese space.  For our first night in Japan, it was perfect.  Now as exhausted as we were, we only managed a few hours of sleep.  The jet lag was pretty bad. However, in the morning we had another extremely Japanese experience.  The baseball team left, leaving us as the only guests.  We had a traditional Japanese breakfast served to us by the owner of the ryokan.  He could trace his lineage back to three generations of samurai and had a full set of amour and other family heirlooms on display.  After finishing our delicious breakfast, he personally drove us to the train station and explained how to get to Nagoya, which was best accessed by the Shinkansen, more commonly known as the bullet train.

Now I was expecting the bullet train to be fast.  I was expecting to get to my destination quickly.  I did not, however understand the true meaning of fast and quickly until I rode the bullet train.  Our journey looked fairly tedious on a map, crossing nearly half the country.  However, as scenery and towns whizzed by at the speed of sound, I had barley gotten settled in when we arrived at our station.  In a mere hour and 20 minutes, we were at Nagoya Station, a journey that would have taken 5 hours by car.  If you ever go to Japan- take the Shinkansen.  It’s worth every penny.
So, there we were.  Nagoya, our home for the next three weeks.  We would soon be told that it is nicknamed the armpit of Japan. This is due not only to it’s location on the island, but also to the absolutely insufferable heat.  I was told it would be hot  and humid in Japan.  I was not told it would be 100 degrees and 100% humidity.  For a week.  After adjusting to the brilliant habit of carrying a handkerchief for mopping up sweat and fan to create a weak imitation of breeze, life became slightly more bearable.  It did cool down eventually, but that first week was rough.  Here are some pictures from our tourist adventures in Nagoya.
A Mario pinata-esque thing.  There was a contest at one of the festivals we went to to make the best video game or anime paper mache replica, this one was my favorite!
That's right. A square watermelon.  Simpsons fans rejoice. This was in the upscale department store in Sakae, a ritzy neighbourhood in Nagoya.  David and I were pretty sure we didn't have enough money to exist in this store.  This is where Japan gets the expensive reputation from.  Luckily, the grocery store down the street offers food at similar prices to home.  I don't care if the watermelon has corners, I'm not paying $210 for it.
View from the top of an enclosed ferris wheel in Nagoya.  The recorded voice kept telling us we were higher up in the air than the top of Nagoya Castle. That kinda makes me wish we went to Nagoya Castle...
A temple where we saw a  taiko drumming festival and the World Cosplay Summit.  You don't know what cosplay is? See below...
Essentially, Cosplay is where people dress up as anime, computer game or manga characters and other people take pictures of them.  Some people do this professionally.  It was intense!

A lantern festival near Nagoya. It was beautiful!
Then they made the lanterns dance! It was awesome! And yes, that kid is about 11., and they really looked heavy.

Training did eventually begin.  Our first discovery from training was that we really are working a sweet gig.  We work 3-5 hours five days a week.  We get 15 days off for Christmas, 5 personal days and every Japanese national holiday off (there are a TON!).  We also get paid pretty well. Also, our job primarily consists of playing with adorable kids.  The teachers we have met have said it is the best job they’ve ever had.  Some teachers are on their 10th year, and the majority of the foreigners who work at head office are native teachers that have worked their way through the ranks, and still request to teach a few times a month.  All in all, Peppy seems like a great place to work.  This brings me to the hilarity of working for a company named “Peppy Kids Club.”  When describing anything at Peppy, one must simply put the word “peppy” in front to indicate that it is a part of the company.  Witness the hilarity that ensues.  When I got to the Peppy classroom, I grab my Peppy teaching manual and planned my Peppy lesson.  The Peppy students will arrive and I greet the Peppy parents using my Peppy phrases learned during training.  The Peppy textbooks are really useful when teaching the Peppy curriculum.  And so it goes for everything, including the Peppy fax machines.  Beyond making training sound far more ridiculous than it is, it also gives off the air that everything at work, even the most mundane of tasks has a cheerful and enthusiastic feeling about it.  Kind of like a Disney movie on speed.  I reality, the fax machine works like any other fax machine, which is fairly disappointing.  I was kind of hopping it would play a jingle and dance enthusiastically while faxing. 
Our training group is great, and we have made fast friends with most of them.  They are all around our age and though we have come to Japan for a variety of different reasons from different countries, we all want to get the same things out of living in Japan; experiences, understanding and adventure! Training has been a lot of long hours and hard work so far, but it is also paying off.  As we are starting to teach actual classes ourselves, we are really grateful for all the preparation they have given us.  I will let you know how training goes once we are finished, but right now it is mostly really busy.  Everyone says things get easier and calm down once you move to your area.  So, that is all for now, but we miss you all back in the States and hope you are all doing well! Till next time, sayonara!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We are here!

So- we've been in Japan for over a week now! Currently, my computer is about to die, so I can't post in depth.  However, I thought I would  leave a note to let everyone know that David and I are here, safe and having a blast! More to come soon!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sayonara Colorado, Konichiwa Japan!

So, the day has finally arrived.  After months of preparation and the insanity of the last few weeks, we are finally in the airport waiting for our flight to San Fransisco.  From there we will fly to Tokyo and begin our Japanese adventure! We have already had a few travel hiccups (incorrect names on the tickets... yikes!) but we have sorted everything out and should get there on time.  So, with very little sleep and alot of nerves, David and I are off for our yearlong adventure in Japan! Now would also be a good time to mention that David and I recently received our placement in Japan.  I am living in Utsunomiya, the capital of the Tochigi and David is up the mountain in the little town called Imaichi.  Technically Imaichi is a subdivision of Nikko, a famous tourist site in Japan.  We are couple hours north of Tokyo in the mountains and the area sounds like it will be perfect for David and my interests.  Well, that is all for now and I will post once I can access internet in Japan! Wish us luck!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Follow Cool Your Japanese Jets

Just a "for your information" post.  Did you know you can follow my blog?  For those not hip to the blog lingo, this means you can receive emails letting you know when I post.  This way you never miss a post! All you need to do is put your email address in the "Follow By Email" tool in the right side bar.  You will then receive an email every time I post with the post in the body of the email.  You can also click on the ads on the bottom of the email to contribute a few cents to the Sarah's Asian Travels Fund! Those of you more in tune with the blog scene can follow my blog by subscribing in the "Follow By Reader" tool. Thanks for reading - more posts on the preparation for Japan to come!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Preparing for Japan

As David and I prepare for our global move, we have been boxing, selling and giving away many of our worldly possessions.  Purging everything you don't need from your life can feel really good, and that is certainly true this time.  It is with a sense of fond remembrance and new freedom that we are donating trash bags full of clothing to Goodwill and a sense of excitement as we sell off extraneous furniture.  It feels great to have less stuff and even better to not have to move it into storage with our gracious parents in Colorado.  As I was cleaning out our desk, I found these two slips of paper.
These were the fortunes that David and I received from our fortune cookies on the day we were hired by Peppy Kids Club.  Our hearts full of glee and our tummies rumbling after our teaching demonstration and paperwork session in Toronto, we headed off to Chinatown and got some fantastic food and surprisingly accurate fortune cookies.  When we opened our cookies, we both chuckled and when we traded to see each others fortunes we nearly fell off our chairs.  That very day, we had been awarded the great honor of stepping on the soil of another country, and our food knew it too.

Moving to Japan has presented both David and I with a significant amount of preparation, and very little time to do it.  Now, I thought being unemployed for two months would give me plenty of time to sort out the global move, but the date approaches rapidly.  And thus, I apologize for not posting before now - life took over as it normally does. I thought I would share all the things we are doing to get ready for our Japanese adventure. The first step in moving halfway around the world is figuring out what to do with our stuff.  Most of it we are moving to Colorado for an extended stay in our parent's basements and possibly my parent's shed.  Some of it is coming along with us to Japan - but not too much. Some of it is being sold, donated or given away.  So, I am currently boxing, selling and hauling many things.  Now, I said this when we moved to Maine, but we still have too much stuff! I am hoping that during our year in Japan, the more spartan lifestyle will rub off on me. American consumerism has overtaken my apartment and it needs to stop.

Another big part of moving to Japan has been doing our research.  Both David and I have been reading, watching films and listening to stories about Japan, moving to Japan and living in Japan.  Not only has this gotten us increasingly excited for the move, it has been eye opening.  I am constantly amazed at the infinite number of different perspectives the human race has taken on the concept of living.  All over the world, as similar as all members of the human race are, people live their daily lives so utterly different from one another.  The Japanese concept of hierarchy and emphasis on group rather than the individual is interesting and exciting.  I can't wait to truly experience another way of life and embrace it as my own. Our other way of preemptively combating culture shock is to learn Japanese.  This is going ... maa maa.This means "so so" in Japanese.  I am still very much a beginner, but I have started to understand basic grammar, which is a step in the right direction.  I luckily still have access to University of Denver's library and can use Rosetta Stone Online for free!

Well, it is getting late here in Portland, ME so I will say adieu and thanks for checking in on the blog!